LaPorte Church of Christ

LaPorte Church of Christ is an independent church in Laporte, Colorado, led until 2011 by Pastor Peter J. Peters, who proclaimed that Europeans comprise the ten lost tribes of Israel and that contemporary Jews are satanic impostors (based on Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) and the descendants of the Biblical Esau -- the brother and nemesis of Jacob (Israel). Critics labeled his message to be that of Christian Identity,[1] although he rejected this label.[2] Peters and his church are not associated with the decentralized group of churches that use the name "Churches of Christ".

Peter J. Peters

Peter J. Peters, who lightheartedly described himself as a "has been cowboy wannabe preacher", was born and raised in Western Nebraska. After graduating from the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture he earned a BSc from the Colorado State University in agricultural business & economics.

After retiring from the USDA he enrolled at the Church of Christ Bible Training School in Gering, Nebraska where he was given a baccalaureate degree after three years of study.

He subsequently became the pastor of the LaPorte Church of Christ in LaPorte, Colorado and established Scriptures for America, a world-wide outreach ministry to evangelize by means of shortwave radio broadcasts, the mailing of audiotapes, CDs, and DVDs, his Dragonslayer Newsletter and eventually web-casting via the websites and

He authored the anti-homosexual booklet "Intolerance of, Discrimination Against, and the Death Penalty for Homosexuals is prescribed in the Bible".[3] He also described the 2011 Japan earthquake as God's judgment on the Japanese people, whom he described using racist language.[4]

On July 7, 2011, Peters died in his home of natural causes.[4]


  1. ^ Anti-Defamation League. "Peter J. "Pete" Peters"
  2. ^ Scriptures for America. "Be Wise as Serpents--Reject the 'Identity' Label".
  3. ^ "Intolerance of, Discrimination Against, and the Death Penalty for Homosexuals is prescribed in the Bible" via the WayBack Machine
  4. ^ a b "Pastor of LaPorte Church of Christ dies; preached 'virulently racist' message". 

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